We would like to take a moment to celebrate and thank all of the mothers out there. Now, more than ever, mothers are being asked to do it all - to mom, to work from home, to home school, to guide and protect their little ones during a global pandemic. It goes without saying, all the moms out there deserve some extra love, appreciation and a BIG virtual hug!
To all the moms out there, we see you, we thank you, and appreciate you - Happy Mother's Day.
We also want to take a moment to spotlight a few of our amazing mother runner rabbit team members.

RADrabbit Pie Bell
When I run, I look for pennies. These quadruplets of mine were born at 24 weeks gestation each weighing approximately 1 pound. We lost our first son when he was one week old. I read a poem sent to me from my best friend that pennies are messages from heaven. So now my kids (three 5-year olds and a 3-year-old) look for pennies from our boy in heaven and it keeps me going. Motivation comes in a lot of ways and for me, it comes in pennies. So, when I run, I am looking for pennies. And bonus, I can show these babies what a mom can do.
rabbitPRO Ashley Nordell
I like to say that your kids will think normal is whatever you teach them. So, my girls don’t know anything different than a life that revolves around outdoor activities and family adventures. They have grown up camping at races and doing parent swaps at trailheads. Running might feel like a very solitary sport in some ways, but I am super fortunate that my family has embraced it as part of our lifestyle. I don’t think my kids even know that not every mom spends most days in running clothes or literally runs to school pickup. It doesn’t matter to me if either of my girls end up loving running the same way I do, but I do hope they find a passion that brings them the same amount of joy.
RADrabbit Alyson Groft
The act of becoming a mother isn’t so much of a next step in my opinion, but more of an opportunity to improve upon our legacy. As mothers we create, shape, and mold an extension of ourselves. We do this knowing on a heart level that we want our children to live fuller, love harder, serve greater, give more, and ultimately lead better than we ever could.
I am a mother of four, but I’ve been given ONE big opportunity to guide my children to be well.
I am also a runner. As a runner I value wellness, hard work, pushing limits, and how each of those apply to life. That runner’s mindset is something I aspire to instill in my children. While I am a mother and I am also a runner, these two entities aren’t separate. They are ONE.
I am a better mother because I am a runner.
I am a better runner because I am a mother.
rabbitPRO Lauren Totten
Being a mom & a runner is such a sweet combination. Seth and I both, as parents, hope to be an example to Lachlan to pursue your hopes and dreams, but also, to enjoy being outside. I love challenging myself & I believe getting out the door daily makes me a better mom & wife. I hope Lachlan gets to see me race and work hard; it’s what we want to instill in him. I also hope he sees how running can be a way to be in relationship with God, with others, with the community, and with nature. I feel so incredibly blessed to me a wife, mom, and runner.