Our RADrabbit team is made up of a diverse group of people from all walks of life, from all over the US. We cherish and celebrate differences - your story is our story. We are honored to have you represent the brand, and part of representing rabbit includes posting on social media. Please review our social media brand guidelines below.

Social Media Expectations
- Commit to upholding an inclusive, diverse, welcoming, and safe running community through all social media posts and online engagement
- Publicly acknowledge that you are an RADrabbit (i.e. posting our logo to your blog/stating your affiliation in your social media profiles)
- Post a minimum of 2x per month about your running journey on social media
- Not be affiliated with, post, or tag other running apparel brands
- Wear rabbit gear while racing and posting throughout the season
When posting RAD related content, please use the hashtags: #runinrabbit, #radrabbit, and #borntorunfree. If posting about your race results, use #rabbitresults to ensure we can find your post.