our rabbits

We love running, but we love runners even more, and a key part of our mission at rabbit is to contribute to the sport by supporting runners at every level.
Obviously not all of us can be Olympic champions or even contenders. It may be the PROs who set the records, but the everyday runners are the people who really define the sport. Our RADrabbits (Runners And Dreamers) are amateur runners of every skill level who truly embody the spirit of running and who we are proud to have represent us all across the country.
Our rabbitELITE and rabbitELITEtrail teams are composed of amazing athletes who are balancing the challenges of competing at a very high level with all of the demands of daily life.
Above all, running requires dedication, and the discipline that PROs exhibit inspires us all to be better runners and to continue to chase our dreams. We are extremely proud to support our rabbitPROs in their pursuit of success at the highest levels of our sport.